Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sarah Palin vs. Parah Salin - I hate myself a little for this post

I'm not sure if this post falls into the category of "low-brow humor" or not, which many republicans tend to love and I typically do not.

I'm goin to let you know up front that I am no fan of Sarah Palin or John McCain. The following image was posted to the website 4chan, which is completely anonymous, so there is no one to give credit to...

Personally, I don't find the image all that funny, but what is funny are the comments that I've read in response to it:

"Hey, I can see Russia from up here!"

Whats the one thing they both have common? Air.

I'd rather have the parachute in office.

One is full of air and falling quick and the other is para sailing.

1 comment:

Andy Einstein said...

The people demand another entry.